The Aurora Licton Urban Village is centered on Aurora Ave North, from N 85th Street to N 110th. Many streets in the neighborhood lack sidewalks, have stormwater and drainage issues, and suffer from cut-through traffic and speeding vehicles. This homezone - roughly following the urban village boundaries - will improve mobility and livability in the neighborhoods of Greenwood and Licton Springs.
As a community partner to the Seattle Department of Transportation, NW Greenways is helping to organize neighbors, solicit feedback, and offer suggestions for homezone improvements that will benefit people who walk, bike, roll in a wheelchair, or use a stroller.
Learn more about the Seattle Department of Transportation's other Homezone projects.
The Aurora-Licton Urban Village Steering Committee has finalized the Draft Home Zone and is currently seeking public input via a survey. The survey will be available June through September 2023. Take the survey here.

Stay up to date on the Aurora Licton Homezone