NE Greenwood Homezone — NW Greenways

NE Greenwood Homezone

In 2020 a group of neighbors secured a Community Partnership Grant through the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to install barrel-planters along key streets in order to slow traffic and make our streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and children. These blue, self-watering planter barrels are a low-cost and nimble traffic-calming alternative to permanent concrete barriers or chicanes.

By placing planter barrels at critical locations, the NE Greenwood Homezone has reduced cut-through traffic and speeding cars on many of our residential streets while still allowing emergency, delivery, and service vehicles access.

The NE Greenwood Homezone is bounded by N 85th Street to the south, N 105th Street to the north, Greenwood Ave N to the west, and Aurora Ave N to the east .png

This project was funded by a Neighborhood Matching Fund award from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods

Where would you like to see strategically-placed planters that will slow cars and discourage cut-through traffic?

Send your suggestions

Homezone Street Art

In a further effort to slow down unsafe drivers, volunteers painted two intersection murals at 101st and 102nd & Evanston Ave N. These two intersections lack traffic islands or any signage telling drivers to yield or slow, More and more research is showing that visual cues, like brightly colored street art, can slow drivers and make neighborhood streets safer.

Since it's next to the Evanston P-Patch, we created a garden-themed design for the two intersections and block in between. Let us know if you'd like to paint a mural on your street.

102nd & Evanston Mural

101st & Evanston

Strawberry mural - Bee
